Modular sport tiles are laid down creating the foundation of a DeShayes Dream Green

Putting greens when not installed properly run the risk of having a very short shelf life.

Mold, moss, and algae can begin to grow on and underneath the surface due to constant contact with the damp ground directly underneath. Your putting green should have constant air flow under the turf to allow it to properly dry after rainfall. Essentially putting turf directly on the ground is the equivalent the placing carpet outside.

At DeShayes Dream Greens our greens are installed on top of structurally engineered subbase panels which allow for proper drainage, minimalize moisture accumulation, and maintain planarity over time. Not only does this provide a great surface to play on but it will save you from a lot of issues down the line. The cups also screw directly into these panels which prevents them from sinking or popping up.

Knowing when it’s time to renovate your indoor or outdoor golf putting green

modular-subbase-flooring-basketball-courtThere are several warning signs that your outdoor home putting green may be due for a renovation. Some are more obvious such as holes, tearing or damage to the turf. The color may start to fade over time or you’ll notice it sinking in areas where it didn’t before. Others are may not be as noticeable and develop under the surface. Mold can start to form which may give off a scent. If you notice any of these things don’t wait call DeShayes Dream Greens as soon as possible as these problems will only get worse over time.

5 Year Old Golf Putting Green Renovation : Before & After
Moorestown, NJ

The pictured green above was just five years old before it began having issues of mold and poor surface performance. We were able to go in tear the old turf off, install panels, and place new turf on top providing a brand new and improved putting green.

Renovations done right